Custom Web Development Services

Customized websites for your unique enterprise needs

Enterprise web development is not just about creating a website, it's about building a digital foundation that empowers businesses to innovate, grow, and thrive in an evolving digital landscape.


Web Development Services

Drive growth with an experienced enterprise partner

We understand that creating a website is more than just a pretty design. It's about creating a digital experience that resonates with your target audience and delivers value to your business. We believe that the best way to achieve this is by strategically blending user experience with brand storytelling.

Our approach to enterprise web development is focused on creating websites that attract high-value customers and drive business growth. Whether it's a customized enterprise website or a product landing page, we infuse best-in-class UX UI elements to create future-ready websites that deliver exceptional user experiences. From Johnson Controls to Pepsi, we team up with marketing, IT, and product departments to deliver industry-leading digital experiences.

Web Development Services

Trusted by the world's leading brands

“Icreon is a lifesaver. They went above and beyond. They’re everything I could want in a great partner. They’re not just a tech vendor; they’re an advisor and strategist. For me, it has felt like they were part of our team.” – Sabine Feldman, President, KTP Advisors

Client Success Story: ASTM INTERNATIONAL

How does a 100+ year old standards organization rethink their business model for digital age?

ASTM International is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services. Facing the pace of commodification of the standards industry, ASTM needed to disrupt the industry with a SaaS based solution.

Icreon teamed up with ASTM to make a transition into a revolutionary business model that sells managed services to hundreds of other standards companies. Explore in details how ASTM made technology as their way forward.


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FAQs Around Website Development Services

  • What are web development services?

    Web development is the process of planning, designing, and creating websites. It involves multiple overlapping steps, including analysis and strategy, web design and visual design, content development, and coding.

    Web development services can be divided into two broad categories: frontend and backend. Frontend web development focuses on user interface (UI) components such as websites' layouts, graphics, and images, whereas backend web development concentrates on the data management of a website, often through server-side scripting or programming languages like PHP for dynamic website functionality.
  • What are the benefits of web development services?

    A web development company can help you create a highly functional, secure, and user-friendly website. A good website will increase your online visibility and improve your search engine ranking. It will also make it easier for potential customers to find your business online.

    Here are some benefits in detail:
    Higher Search Engine Rankings
    A good website will improve your SEO (search engine optimization), increasing your site's traffic. This can help increase sales and boost brand recognition by creating an online reputation for your company. The higher your website ranks in the search engines, the more traffic you will likely receive from potential customers searching for products like yours.
    More Customers

    One of the biggest benefits is that you'll be able to reach more customers. If you have an online store and want to expand your customer base, you need a good website to attract them. Web developers will create a site for your business that will help it stand out from competitors. This could mean more customers coming through your doors and buying more products or services from you.
    Increased Traffic
    Another benefit of using web development services is increased traffic on your site. If there are problems with your website, visitors may not be able to find what they're looking for or may leave without completing their purchase. With professional help from a web developer, though, they'll be able to make sure that people can easily find exactly what they're looking for and make a purchase without any issues at all.
    Enhanced Customer Experience

    A well-designed website can also make it easier for visitors to find what they're looking for quickly and easily without having to dig through lots of clutter or unnecessary information. One of the most important benefits is that if you hire an experienced web development company, they will be able to provide you with support for years after they build your site for you.
  • What are the most common web development services?

    Website design
    A website design is the visual component of your site. It includes the design of your logo, the layout of your home page, and the color scheme that you use throughout your site. A designer will create a mockup for you to review before they begin coding. This process can take anywhere from a week to several months, depending on how complex your site is and how much input you give them during the design phase.
    Web development
    Web development encompasses many different things, including coding, database creation, server configuration, and more. If you have an idea for a website but don't know how to code it yourself, you can hire developers or a web development agency to bring your ideas to life. A web developer will work with you to build the site from scratch or modify an existing one so that it fits exactly what you need it to do.
    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    Search engine optimization refers to techniques used by websites to increase their visibility in search engines like Google so that potential customers can find them when they search for products or services related to yours.
    Standard Websites
    These are static sites that often use nothing more than a CMS (content management system), like WordPress or Drupal, to publish pages and blog posts as needed. They're usually designed with a fixed layout and don't require any programming knowledge from the person managing them.
    E-commerce Websites
    Online storefronts where customers can purchase products and services directly from you using their credit cards or bank accounts. E-commerce sites usually have more complex functionality than standard websites, like shopping carts, checkout pages, payment gateways, inventory management tools, and more.
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