Cloud Engineering Services


Cloud Engineering is revolutionizing IT and enabling digital transformation. Our cloud engineers have unrivaled engineering skills, implementing and migrating your legacy systems to best cloud services like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google’s Compute.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Cloud engineering services

Embrace the future of cloud

We are a global, full-service digital solutions agency with deep expertise in digital strategy and the cloud. We offer top-tier cloud engineering services and insights that promise business transformation that matters. We bring in the blended strength of cloud readiness, business case development, architecture and planning, strategy, and operating model transformation that flex to meet your changing needs.

From companies like Amdocs to IMG, we team up with marketing, IT, and product departments to define roadmaps, provide cloud strategies, and deliver engineering at scale. Whether you're interested in managed services or to further modernize your infrastructure, we offer end-to-end services that will help you meet your goals.

Cloud Engineering & Consulting Services

Trusted by the world's leading brands

"I strongly recommend working with Icreon primarily because they’re true partners with a sense of ease with which you can operate with them and the value they bring to the table."Satvinder Kaur, Awareness and Growth Marketing VP at Acrisure

Featured Success Story: ASTM International
Creating a Cloud Platform for 30,000+ Member Community

ASTM International is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services. A consortium of 30,000+ scientists, researchers, & academics dedicate their time and efforts to maintain over 12,000 standards across several industries. ASTM was looking forward to taking massive action towards becoming the SaaS solution for all standards industries.

Icreon helped them to achieve this via creating a 10-year roadmap for long-term cloud business strategy and redesigning the cloud platform experience for over 30,000 ASTM customers.

Read the full case study here


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Cloud Engineering Services FAQs

  • What is a cloud-based company?

    A cloud-based company is a business that provides software or services via the internet. In other words, a cloud-based company is an internet-based business.

    Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.

    Cloud-based companies are becoming increasingly popular because they allow users to access their data from any device, anywhere in the world. This means you can access your files from home, work, or even on holiday.
  • What are the major challenges faced in the cloud?

    The biggest challenge for the cloud is the mismatch between what the customer wants and what the vendor can do. This is because there is a limit to how much customization you can do, especially when it comes to security.

    There are many challenges in cloud computing. Some of the main challenges include:

    Security and Privacy Issues
    Cloud computing involves many users having access to your information. This could be a security risk. You must use a secure server to store your data and employ encryption methods to protect it from hackers or unauthorized access.

    Lack of Control
    Because your data is stored on someone else's servers, you do not have complete control over it. You won't be able to access it whenever you need to or make any changes without contacting the provider. If something happens to your provider, such as bankruptcy, there is no guarantee that your data will be backed up properly or protected from loss or damage.

    Lack of Standardization
    There are no standards for cloud computing, meaning that providers can use different software and hardware platforms that may be incompatible. This makes moving data between them difficult, time-consuming, and expensive because each would need to be converted into another format before being uploaded again into another system.
  • How do I develop a cloud strategy?

    Cloud computing is continuing to grow in popularity and importance as technology companies look for ways to increase revenue and lower costs. As a result, it's also becoming more critical for businesses to develop a cloud strategy.

    A cloud strategy will help your business plan for the future and ensure that you are prepared for any potential changes in the industry. Here are some tips on how to create one:

    Define Your Goals
    The first step is to understand your needs and goals. What do you want to achieve? Do you need a private or public cloud? Is cost a concern? What's the minimum feature set that will satisfy your requirements? These are all important questions to answer before making any decisions.

    Think About Your Customers
    Once you know what goals you want to achieve, think about how they might affect your customers. For example, if your goal is greater productivity, then it might be helpful for them to access their files from anywhere at any time — which means storing them in the cloud rather than on their desktops.

    Identify business drivers
    Once you understand your needs and goals, it's time to identify any business drivers that will help influence the decision-making process. In other words, what will make one option more desirable than another?

    Understanding Risks and Mitigation Strategies
    Cloud computing can be risky if not done correctly, so it's essential to understand what factors could impact the success of your project before making any decisions. You'll also need to identify ways of mitigating those risks, so they don't get in the way of achieving your goals
  • Which workloads can I move to the cloud?

    Cloud computing is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. There are many different types of cloud solutions available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. So it's important to understand what kind of workloads you can move to the cloud, from which platforms, and under what circumstances.

    You can move just about any workload to the cloud. The most common cloud workloads include:

    - SaaS applications, including ERP and CRM tools
    - E-commerce platforms
    - Hosting services
    - Development environments, including code repositories like GitHub and BitBucket
    - Backup services
    - Media streaming services

    Cloud computing provides both elasticity and automation capabilities that enable IT organizations to focus on strategic initiatives rather than managing day-to-day "back office" functions such as capacity planning or provisioning new servers. It also reduces the complexity of managing multiple clouds while allowing companies to focus on innovation rather than maintenance tasks like server upgrades or patching vulnerabilities in software code.
  • How much does the cloud cost?

    Cloud computing can be very affordable, but many factors affect the cost.

    The first thing to consider is what you're paying for. Many providers offer a range of services, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), or software as a service (SaaS).

    IaaS is self-managed hosting, meaning you get root access to your servers and fully control them. PaaS offers preconfigured solutions that are ready for use right away. SaaS is preconfigured web apps that run on the provider's servers and let you access them through any device with an Internet connection. Each option has different costs, so it's important to know what you're getting before signing up for a plan.

    Next, consider how much storage space you'll need every month. While some providers offer unlimited storage capacity at no additional charge, others charge by gigabyte (GB).

    Cloud pricing models
    There are two basic types of cloud pricing models: Pay-as-you-go and subscription-based. Pay-as-you-go is the simpler model and most common in the industry today. With this model, you purchase resources as needed and only pay for what you use. Subscription-based models allow users to subscribe to specific services at regular intervals (weekly, monthly, annually).
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